Maui Amateur Radio Club –Mar 9 , 2016 Minutes – Maui EOC Wailuku, HI
President Tom Worthington called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The treasurer’s report were approved, and accepted by acclamation. 12 members and guests attended. New Business: Talk Around: K6GSS-John: Cat got whiskers fried. Talked about building a tapered feedline. Operated some of the contest this past weekend. Interesting propagation. NH6Y-Tom: Alan and Kent were working stations I couldn’t hear in the contest. Best QSO rates were Sunday morning 197Qs per hour. High rates. Mostly on 15 and 10 meters. Hearing Europeans on 40M. Antenna party at Joe and Anita’s. 40 M and 20 M. Diane needs an antenna party.- N0DQD-Bob: Nothing to report KH6H-Mel: Exam April 2nd. There is another Interisland repeater besides 147.02. has rules for using. 443.925 repeater 123.0 Hz tone. No Phonetics, wants full quieting signals. Please read rules before using. AD6E-Alan: New tower working fine. 70’ remote control. Steppir 3 element. Wants something for 80M. Made 2800 contacts. Operated 24 out of 48 hours. Worked about 50 SSB contacts. KH6AH-Ron: Traveling to mainland often. Put up another remote HF station. K6TU has iPad app. Remote is operational. Made a few HF contacts this past weekend. KH6RSB-Shawn: Nothing to report KC7ASJ – Dave: Listening to Lahaina repeater W1TEC – Jack: Using AOL for internet, having trouble. KH6PO- Diane: Operated KH6RS for SSB contest. Lots of contacts. Win10 on PC. Ham radio deluxe problems. Icom 735 working. Icom 706 – lots of menus. Hex beam rotating by itself. Needs pin in masts. Desires to put it up higher. Listening in evenings to SW. Lots of fading. Kh6HTV – Jim: Unusual experience on 40M. Talked to a remote station in Kaanapali. Had article in Amateur Television Quarterly. WH6EXE-Bill: Have been to Honolulu. Looking forward to Field Day. Been studying. KH6CJJ-Kent: For two weekends SSB and CW 1500 QSOs in each. Lots of activity. Lots of KH6s. Got to work Vermont. Ten meters was very alive last weekend. Interesting band conditions. This month’s Discussion: The GOTA station didn’t yield enough benefit last year. Perhaps VHF would be better this year. ARRL has revised the rules for146.52 as a Field Day station. Last year 3A, blockhouse with Orion and SB220, MEO van, and Kihei Rental Car van with K3 and KPA500. Two 20M antennas, 2 antennas on 15, and a 3 element vertical array for15 , and a 5 element on 10. Discussion about antenna placement for best angle of takeoff, best isolation, best efficiency and perhaps most importantly best isolation. Goal: Two stations on 20, 15 and 40, a single station on 10 and maybe 80m. Blockhouse,Van, RentaCar – Station shelters
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