IN PERSON Maui Radio Club meeting SATURDAY (4/16) at 1PM and on Zoom after ARES Exercise! KH6RS4/12/2022 Please join the Maui Amateur Radio Club this Saturday, April 16th, either online via Zoom or IN PERSON. This will be our first opportunity for an IN PERSON meeting in the last 2 years! We gladly look forward to seeing everyone either in person or with all our radio friends on Zoom. Location and Zoom meeting details are given below. The meeting will be on Saturday, April 16th at 1PM (Hawaii time) just after the statewide Hawaii ARES amateur radio communication exercise event. We definitely encourage everyone to participate in the ARES exercise. Contact Bill at [email protected] or visit the ARES website to sign up TODAY! Participate in both and make your Saturday a truly radio filled day. MARC meeting Saturday, April 16th at 1PM (Hawaii time) ZOOM link: Meeting ID: 822 8448 9510 Passcode: KH6RS IN PERSON meeting details: Location: 2800 Baldwin Ave, Makawao, HI Time: Sat. 4/16 Meeting starts at 1pm, welcome to bring your own food and enjoy lunch with others starting at noon. The radio club meeting will be at 2800 Baldwin Ave, Makawao, HI, the same site where we had the Winter Field Day station. It is a great indoor/outdoor location at Ron's farm, and we thank him for kindly hosting us. To help with finding the site, there is a chain link gate on the west side of Baldwin Ave about 150 yds up Baldwin (toward Makawao) from Kaluanui Rd. Past the chain link gate, there is a paved street heading west and the building/meeting location is about 250 yards west on this street. Here is a street view of the entrance (the red oil drum has been replaced by the chain link gate). Any questions: call Ron @ 707-502-2281 or call on 146.520 MHz.
Additional ZOOM meeting details: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 822 8448 9510 Passcode: KH6RS One tap mobile +12532158782,,82284489510#,,,,*132822# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,82284489510#,,,,*132822# US (Houston) Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 822 8448 9510 Passcode: 132822 Find your local number: We hope you are able to join us, and we look forward to seeing you there. 73 -Riley, NH7O
De KH6RS BLoGAloha fellow hams! This blog is for you. Remember to stop by if you ever miss a meeting or would like to know what the club has been up to. Please feel free to make suggestions on anything you would like to see here. Categories
September 2023