The Maui Amateur Radio Club will meet both in-person at the MEMA EOC and via Zoom. 7pm May 8th. This is the first in person meeting since the August fires. The entrance to the EOC is via the door on the extreme left of the loading dock of the county building, 200 South High Street, Wailuku. The link for the Zoom meeting is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84028901194... Meeting ID: 840 2890 1194 Passcode: kh6rs Field Day, June 21-23 rapidly approaching. This June is expected to be near the peak of sunspot cycle #25 and I hope we can have a FD big enough to take advantage of the great HF propagation we have been having this year. For those new to the hobby, Field Day is the largest emergency communications exercise in the world. Clubs and individual hams set up portable stations and then test the effectiveness of their stations by trying to make as many contacts as possible in a 24-hour period. For us, the operating event starts at 8 am Saturday June 22. The club has an agreement with A&B Properties to use the Block House Field, just east of Hookipa Beach Park for the weekend. We have used this site since the early 1950’s. We setup antennas and stations starting at 6 am on Friday June 21, there will be time on Saturday afternoon and evening to operate informally. The official event starts Saturday morning and runs for 24 hours. Then take if all down on Sunday. For those new to the hobby or just interested in learning more about it, it is a chance to learn about antennas, radios and how to operate. You do not need a license to participate. There will always be a control operator to help introduce you to how it all works. At a minimum we will have 2 HF stations and a VHF/UHF station. We certainly have to ability and equipment to set up more stations if we can find enough volunteers to set up antennas and stations. We especially need experienced hams to act as mentors during the day. If you are interested in participating in FD but can’t make this meeting, please send me an email and I’ll put you on the FD list. I expect we will have several weekend preparatory sessions to test antennas, configure radios and test configurations before the event. 73 es Aloha, Tom, NH6Y Field Day Coordinator Club meetings are held every second Wednesday at the Maui County Civil Defense Emergency Operating Center (EOC) Conference Room. The EOC is in the basement of the County Building. The County building is located on High Street in Wailuku. Just come around the back of the building from Kaohu Street. Directions can usually be received on 147.020 (+600-no tone). Meetings start at 7:00 P.M. and usually last about 2 hours. For directions go to http://www.kh6rs.com/events.html
IN PERSON Maui Radio Club meeting SATURDAY (4/16) at 1PM and on Zoom after ARES Exercise! KH6RS4/12/2022 Please join the Maui Amateur Radio Club this Saturday, April 16th, either online via Zoom or IN PERSON. This will be our first opportunity for an IN PERSON meeting in the last 2 years! We gladly look forward to seeing everyone either in person or with all our radio friends on Zoom. Location and Zoom meeting details are given below. The meeting will be on Saturday, April 16th at 1PM (Hawaii time) just after the statewide Hawaii ARES amateur radio communication exercise event. We definitely encourage everyone to participate in the ARES exercise. Contact Bill at [email protected] or visit the ARES website hawaiiares.net to sign up TODAY! Participate in both and make your Saturday a truly radio filled day. MARC meeting Saturday, April 16th at 1PM (Hawaii time) ZOOM link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82284489510?pwd=bFhOb2FuN1hGSWZsUW5BWnVIaUNYUT09 Meeting ID: 822 8448 9510 Passcode: KH6RS IN PERSON meeting details: Location: 2800 Baldwin Ave, Makawao, HI Time: Sat. 4/16 Meeting starts at 1pm, welcome to bring your own food and enjoy lunch with others starting at noon. The radio club meeting will be at 2800 Baldwin Ave, Makawao, HI, the same site where we had the Winter Field Day station. It is a great indoor/outdoor location at Ron's farm, and we thank him for kindly hosting us. To help with finding the site, there is a chain link gate on the west side of Baldwin Ave about 150 yds up Baldwin (toward Makawao) from Kaluanui Rd. Past the chain link gate, there is a paved street heading west and the building/meeting location is about 250 yards west on this street. Here is a street view of the entrance (the red oil drum has been replaced by the chain link gate). Any questions: call Ron @ 707-502-2281 or call on 146.520 MHz.
Additional ZOOM meeting details: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82284489510?pwd=bFhOb2FuN1hGSWZsUW5BWnVIaUNYUT09 Meeting ID: 822 8448 9510 Passcode: KH6RS One tap mobile +12532158782,,82284489510#,,,,*132822# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,82284489510#,,,,*132822# US (Houston) Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 822 8448 9510 Passcode: 132822 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kLALYsSQk We hope you are able to join us, and we look forward to seeing you there. 73 -Riley, NH7O QST QST QST
Calling all Maui Radio Amateurs The next meeting of The Maui Amateur Radio Club will be held virtually via ZOOM video conference on 8 July at 7:00p. Please join us to discuss our recent KH6RS Club Field Day operation AND also to discuss your recent activities and experiments in wireless communication. 73 -Trip WH6FAM Join Zoom Meeting 8July2020 7:00p https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4408713299?pwd=UHBjOXdUWFJjRFVIcnpqRDIxOVNudz09 Meeting ID: 440 871 3299 Password: KH6RS Congratulations! You've successfully submitted your Field Day entry, as well as uploaded all required documentation. A summary of your submission is provided below for your review. Summary: Entry received at: 2020-07-02 22:36:11 Call Used: KH6RS GOTA Station Call: (NONE) ARRL/RAC Section: PAC Class: 1A Participants: 12 Club/Group Name: Maui Amateur Radio Club Power Source(s): Generator Power Multiplier: 1X Preliminary Total Score: 1,141 Bonus Points: 100% emergency power 100 Public location 100 W1AW Field Day message 100 - Documented by bulletin2020.txt Entry submitted via web 50 Total bonus points 350 Score Summary: (Cabrillo log/dupe sheet file: KH6RS2020FD.log) CW Digital Phone Total Total QSOs 0 241 309 Total Points 0 482 309 791 Claimed Score = (QSO points x power mult) = 791 Submitted by: frederick hill III, WH6FAM [email protected] Band/Mode QSO Breakdown: CW Digital Phone 160m 80m 27 KW 40m 98 KW 178 KW 20m 116 KW 131 KW 15m 10m 6m 2m 222 432 Other Satellite GOTA TOTAL 0 241 309 ![]()
April 11, 2018 Maui Amateur Radio Club Meeting Minutes Located in the Maui County EOC Trip, WH6FAM opened the meeting at 7:05 pm Minutes of the March, 2018 meeting were distributed and formally approved. The Treasurer's report was distributed and formally approved. Talk-Around: Mark, WH7ZK: lives on the big island (BI) and on Maui for work. Rob, WH6DXW: Has a new radio – FTDX3000. He upgraded to Extra a year ago. Jim, K6JAT: New ARRL Pacific Division director. Operated in WPX SSB with 550 QSOs Kent, KH6CJJ: Longest member of MARC (?) Bob, N0DQD: Built an IC tester based on an existing design, and got really cheap PCBs from China. Dave, W7VKC: on vacation from Seattle, WA Ron, KH6AH: Neighbor's grow lights now off so QRN is gone. However leaving for mainland soon. Jim, KH6HTV: Did a vacation cruise around Asia. Noticed more PSK activity now. Tom, NH6Y: Listened to WPX, Worked new countries EME & FT8. Noted that Brandon Island Dxpedition is QRV (3B7A). Brought an oscilloscope & box of resistors to give away. Mel, KH6H: Reminded all to check into the Siren net every 1st Monday at 11:45 am. Everett, WH7EZ: Busy, but not on the air. Riley, NH7O: not active this month. John, K6GSS: Loved that Tesla SUV that he saw on O'ahu. Dave, AH6EE: Finished 40 and 20 meter loop antennas but not tested yet. Got on for afternoon net. Shawn, KH6RSB: has a new (used) radio. Alan, AD6E: Broke tower again .. getting it fixed with help from Kent. Did WPX as AD6E/AH6. Robyn, NH7U: Busy with non-ham stuff, FT8 sort of works through the S9 solar panel noise. Cherie, WH6FQL: New ham in Lahaina. Emcomm interest and looking for portable equipment. Jim, K6SV: Visiting from the bay area. Joe, AH6CU: will give talk on AUXCOMM (below) Anita, AH6AH: Will be giving a “ham cram” class at LDS church on Sat (4/14) with Joe. New business: • Interest from someone on Moloka'i about taking ham exam there. • KH6BFD on the BI is looking for a Maui repeater to link with others using RF. • Rookie Roundup SSB will be April 15 – lots of fun! • There is supposed to be a new ARES net on 40 SSB but it doesn't seem to be happening. • New club member: WH6FQL • Renewed club member: WH6DXW Joe, AH6CU then gave a talk about his and Anita's AUXCOMM training on O'ahu which dealt with how ham radio can be used as an overlay to FEMA communications. If we can get 10 local hams, we can then get that training here. Requirement is FEMA 100, 200, 700, and 800. Short Field Day discussion: Should we do 2A or 3A? Maybe 3A if one is dedicated to FT8. Ron, AH6AH then gave a discussion on how to build remote station for use anywhere there is internet connectivity. Several examples. Info at KY6N.com Trip adjourned the meeting at 9:35 pm. ![]()
![]() MARC Meeting Minutes 3/14/18 Treasurer’s Report Approved Meeting Minutes from 2/14/18 Approved Talk Around: N6AI - Bill : mostly inactive for the past decade, new member to MARC KC7ASJ - Dave : active on Lahaina repeater KX4IJ - Charles : visited Tom’s shack and compared it to a Ferrari N0DQD - Bob : new signal link sound card for FT8, visited Florida and reports that hurricane damage left quite an impression NH6Y - Tom : hosted W5JR to operate from his QTH, invited club members to come operate from his shack during upcoming WPX contest, shared recent CW transceiver project kit from QRP Labs, mentioned that Alan and CW Academy have a portable antenna and tuner package with discounted pricing from MFJ. KH6AH - Ron : QRT because of neighbor's grow lights KH6RSB - Shawn : bought a second-hand radio (said it was a good deal), updated the KH6RS.com website, reports that other clubs in Hawaii have not updated their sites. KH6DDT - Dave: Has not been active in the club for some-time but has been licensed since 1977, mentioned a Motorola 2001 Analyzer and a boom truck for tower setup. KH6PO - Diane : Visited widow of Steve Tenney (inherited his radio equipment), told her missile attack story, moved to a new QTH in Huelo and is planning antenna setup. K6GSS - John : described a “banana bug” telegraph key, researching EME, surprised that he isn’t contesting this season. KH6CJJ - Kent: active contesting, Kent was also this months featured member for HAM Radio Auto-biography. First Licensed in 1957 as WH6CJJ : He described MARC (at NASKA) in the 1950s and 60s. His HAM activities from around the world while he was in the Air Force: (Air Force Academy, Wake Island, Johnson Island, Israel /4x, Okinawa - KA6KC) , contacts with the Soviet Union during the Cold War. NH7O - Riley (formerly WH6FEM) : received a new call sign after upgrading to Extra Class: Riley was also our presenter with an entertaining talk on Optics, Electromagnetics, contsructive and destructive interference and holograms and nano-Yagi antennae. He related the personal anecdote of how holograms on comic books lead him to a Ph.D. in physics and an Extra Class Amateur Radio License. KH6H - Mel : upcoming test date need CALLsign - Steve : thanks past officers for their service to the club WH6FIB - Roland: Kahoolawe tree planting WH6EDT - Dale: working on a mag-loop antenna WH6FAM - Trip: shared photos of portable operation AH6CU - Joe: attended AuxComm training and will share more next month, will be a VE for Ham Prep Class test. AH6AH - Anita: submitted treasurer’s report, will be a VE for Ham Prep Class test. Club Inventory sheet presented as a work in progress. Test dates announced. Field Day mentioned. ![]()
Feb 14, 2018 Maui Amateur Radio Club Meeting Minutes
Opened meeting at 7:05pm in the Maui County EOC KH6HTV provided some desert. Minutes of the January, 2018 meeting were distributed and formally approved. The Treasurer's report was distributed and formally approved. Discussion about how much club money will be needed for File Day activities. Talk-about: Visitors Charlie and Barbara Smith, KX4IJ, are staying on Maui for two months every year. Charlie is a new licensee after many years QRT. Ron, KH6AH is QRT due to “grow lights”. Cuba visit. Dave, AH6EE is building a magnetic loop antenna due to antenna restrictions. Joe, AH6CU will go th a state wide meeting concerning Emmcon that is outside of ARES and Races. Will report back next month. Tom, G4BKF is visiting his son here for three weeks. This is his 5th visit to Maui. Anita, AH6AH needs ham help for VOAD John and Marry, K6GSS showed off a fancy socket. Mary noted she is a 39 year ham veteran. Jim, KH6HTV brought desert and has been doing some FT8 operating. He notes a resurgence of PSK activity. Trip, Elina, Brea, WH6FAM: Trip showed off his LoTW summary of the last six months of activity. Elena made one or two QSOs on kids day. Brea made no QSOs. Tom, Lesli, NH6Y: Tom gave a ham radio demo for the Boys & Girls club and also the Paia CERT group. There is a rather old and HEAVY FT-1000 for sale. Showed off a single band $50 transceiver kit. Also, W5JR will operate ARRL DX contest from NH6Y. Alan AD6E is completing another CW Academy class and will start another one in April. Leslie, xyl of NH6Y gave a talk about what it's like to be married to a ham. Specifically an EME addict. Discussion of doing a membership drive. Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm Mahalo to Jim KH6HTV for his talk about the many benefits and uses of Amateur TV for public safety. To see his presentation or find out more about Amateur Television visit his website at www.kh6htv.com
Maui Amateur Radio Club – Aug 10 , 2016 Minutes – Maui EOC Wailuku, HI
President Tom Worthington called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The treasurer’s report were approved, and accepted by acclamation. 18 members and guests attended. New Business: Next year for field day, Sun Belt rentals will need the cost of the equipment listed on the insurance policy. Need to follow-up on the thank you letters for Field Day. Talk Around: KC7ASJ-Dave: Monitoring repeaters, not much activity AH6AH: Anita yields her time again! AH6CU –Joe: 600 KHz offset not working on his home radio. WH7EZ – Everett: Getting back into radio, lots of new equipment offerings, interested in digital. WH6FAM – Tripp: Started studying for exam. WH6EX-Bill: CW course, lots of monitoring on hurricane watch. Passed general exam. AD6E-Alan: KH6TU. SOTR single operator, two radio. Hard to get going. NA QSO party, 400 Qs. CW class completed. K6GSS-John: DX maps, some 6M activity. KH6RSB-Shawn: Storm prep got me going again. David: Passed general exam KH6CJJ-Kent: Operated 6 hrs in NAQP CW contest. 100W, difference in antennas! SteppIR antenna vs G5RV. Big difference in receive. Phone Fray- worked a lot of contacts. 20M SSB. Won low power Oceania contest.as announced in QST. NH6Y-Tom: Worked a few contacts IOTA European stations. Worked above Artic circle. Islands on the Air. Purchased FerroResonant Transformer. Missed the 6M opening. AH0A-Joe: Section manager, looking for news, wants to inform clubs about amateur radio. KH7HO-Clem: Met with Anna from Maui CD. Have visited all islands. KH6JAY-Jay: Off island for a while. Going to Korea. Wants to go for CQWW RTTY contest.as HL2ZED. Riley-Took tech and general exam in August, Looking forward to learning Jeff- Passed tech exam, interested This months discussion: Clem Jung -KH7HO: ARES Presentation – Pacific Section Emergency Coordinator Works with Emergency Management, state Civil Defense. ARES started with the Big Island and began later in other islands. Offered to all amateur radio operators. Training available. Volunteers are needed.Items to cover: Equipment and skills. ICS213 messages. Disaster psychology, encouraged to take CERT. EMCOMM team courses are available. Skywarn and CERT. MT63 1KL digital format. FLDigi. Makani Pahili exercise July 10. Simulated Emergency Test Oct 1, 2016. 118 Hawaii hams are in ARES. HawaiiAres.info is the information site. 5 Maui hams are registered with ARES. Rick Ching state frequency coordinator has coordinated repeater list. CERT classes info through Maui CD Hawaii QSO party coming up later this month. Maui Amateur Radio Club – Jul 13 , 2016 Minutes – Maui EOC Wailuku, HI
President Tom Worthington called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The treasurer’s report and meeting minutes were approved, and accepted by acclamation. 16 members and guests attended. New Business: Talk Around: KC7ASJ-Dave: Repeaters working in Lahaina AH6AH-Anita: Yielded her time to Joe. AH6CU –Joe: Can use UH classroom to do ham training. UHMC will be scheduling. VR2BG- Brett: IARU contest, will be on island for a while. WH7EZ – Everett: Lahaina, getting back into ham radio, WH6FAM – Tripp: working on next exam session for upgrading. KH6REO – Ed: Off island for a while WH6EX-Bill: Lots of family activities, haven’t been on radio much. Stephen : Interested in electronics and working on getting a license AD6E-Alan: IARU contest, worked with Brett, on a European centric contest. Lousy conditions, 1640 QSOs. Top 15 worldwide. 24 Hr contest, 100% CW. Still working CW academy. Students doing well. K6GSS-John: Busy since Field Day, haven’t unpacked from it yet. KH6RSB-Shawn: Had a good time at Field Day David: Interested in getting a license. Tara and & Kiara : Interested in getting a license. KH6CJJ-Kent: Operated in IARU contest, made 500 Qs, NH6Y-Tom: Worked IARU, made contacts for 2 hours. KH6H-Mel: Makana Pahili, this Saturday, emphasis on digital communications. Practicing messages with CSV values. See Mel for ARES signup. Next exam Aug 6. This month’s discussion: Joe Speroni is offered a presentation on how ARES should be operated, accepted by the club. WEBEOC is a new piece of software that could be used by RACES and ARES. Amateur radio operators would be registered as a resource to WEBEOC. Field Day Results: 2018 Total Q’s 3332 points score. VR2BG 1033 Qs Night time operations were quite good this year. 20 M at 6PM suddenly got very good. 20M was the only active band, SSB: we weren’t heard very much, until later in the day. SSB had a much larger density. CW contacts were less crowded, easier to work. Discussion on antenna performance : Did the ground mounted 40M vertical work well? 15M was only active for a couple of hours, midday. A discussion on operator scheduling and potential alternatives were discussed Comments about helping operators with radios they are unfamiliar to them. Desire to have coffee! Power was an issue this year, it was difficult to diagnose during the Field Day event. An oscilloscope would have helped figure this out. Maui Amateur Radio Club – Jun 8, 2016 Minutes – Maui EOC Wailuku, HI
President Tom Worthington called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The minutes and treasurer’s report were approved, and accepted by acclamation. 15 members and guests attended. New Business: Talk Around: K6GSS-John: How to work Europe! Wait till sun goes down on 20M. Talked about interview with DON W6AM. Sunbelt is new owner of I&L rentals. Discovered TR4s and TR7s in the house! NH6Y-Tom: Struggled in WPX CW contest. Replaced rotator on tower. Took Beverage antenna. N0DQD-Bob: Working on CW, trying to get ready for Field Day. KH6H-Mel: 702 repeater, transmitter broken, expected for a long rep air AD6E-Alan: WPX CW contest, close to 2000 Q’s, 15M good, 20 good all day and night. Start CW academy, couple more months, got FD station running. KH6AH-Ron: Bands not too good. Lots of time working on remote in California. Loosing RX audio over the Flex. Thinks it’s the sound card. KH6RSB-Shawn: Trying to get internet at camp IMUA. Gets reception on Verizon phone, trying to get internet. Curious about some commercial use close to amateur radio frequencies. KH6JAY- Jay: Haven’t been on the air much, 15M pretty dead, 20M OK on PSK31. Strong QSO to Michigan. Looking forward to Field Day. WH6EXE-Bill: On Skype with CW training, studying for General Test. Looking forward to Field Day. WH6FAM-Trip: Missed a couple of the last meetings. WH6DUB-Amanda: Doing Twitter account for the club. WA1GOV . Invited people for FD. Press releases for Maui News and Maui Times. Operating PSK31. Fun! WH6DUE-Devin: Using HF radio occasionally, tribander with no tuner working well. KH6CJJ-Kent: Brought Alan WPX CW contest, 300 Q’s, conditions not too good. KA5CJJ – Alan: Visiting from Texas Presentation: Field Day Prep 3A – Review of stations and antenna positions Review of each individual station, modes, antennas, Stations captains Alan, Kent and Bob Discussion of quality of power, and UPS units We must start early Friday morning. 6AM. Setup antennas, stations, Test stations, interference, software and networking Compare antennas Review of other duties: dinner, contacts, generator, security, social media, hospitality, Friday pizza. Everyone bring: hat, sunscreen, bug spray, closed toe shoes, gloves, water, lunch, chair, some way to stay dry, tools, 7/16,1/2,9/16 wrenches Become familiar with section names Find out about using last year’s log to preload the class and section Foreign contacts log as 1D DX Consider for next year a man-lift donated by MECO |
De KH6RS BLoGAloha fellow hams! This blog is for you. Remember to stop by if you ever miss a meeting or would like to know what the club has been up to. Please feel free to make suggestions on anything you would like to see here. Categories
September 2023