Field day was a great success. Mayor Alan Arakawa visited on Saturday morning; about 40 members and guests signed in. We had some rain Friday morning but the rest of the time we had great trade wind weather. We haven’t gone thru the logs but we had more than 3300 QSO’s, despite the fact that 10m was only open very briefly. With the new antennas we were able to run both CW and SSB on 20m and 40m simultaneously with only a little interference. 15m was our best band during the day, we had about 1000 SSB QSO’s before the band closed about 9 pm or so on Saturday night but 20 remained open all night. More later after we go thru the logs. Mahalo to all who helped organize, setup, operate and clean up. 73 and Aloha, Tom Maui Amatuer Radio Club President
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Maui Amateur Radio Club – Jun 10, 2015 Minutes – Maui EOC Wailuku, HI
President Tom Worthington called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Meeting minutes and treasurer’s report were approved, and accepted by acclamation. 16 members and guests attended. New Business: Field Day Preparation Talk Around: K6GSS-John: Got amplifiers working for field day. NH6Y-Tom: WPX contest, made some contacts. Auroral flutter. N0DQD-Bob: Got new scope. KH6H-Mel: 147.02 back on air. KC7ASJ -Dave: Whaler repeater working again KH6PO-Diane: Have been on radio, Radio problems, all memories are lost. 40M dipole extended. Afternoon net. Skywarn. Lots of special events. AD6E-Alan: WPX cw contest 850 QSOs. Got tower, Ready for field day KH6CJJ-Kent- Afternoon net. WPX CW contest 690 QSO KH6AH-Ron: Off island most of month AH6AH-Anita Cert volunteers June 20 drill. Contacted Emergency Radio Club AH6CU-Joe: VOAD members being encouraged to get amateur license. KH6JAY-Jay: Been to Seoul Korea – HL2ZED operated PSK31 and RTTY.Lots of contacts in Indonesia AH6RQ – Joe: Haven’t been to meetings for a couple of years. Antenna working Bill - Ready for field day KH6CUJ- Les: Visiting, last time visited was long ago This month’s discussion: Field Day Preparations VR2BG-Brett- Visiting till April, will be there for field day Bands are expected to be less active on 10M this Field Day. Field day discussion: Log directly on computer, greet people, Everyone should make there own list and send to [email protected]. Gate should be open at 6AM. Friday setup in morning, test in the afternoon. Leslie is bringing pizza Friday night, Who’s staying Friday night? Shawn was intending on staying the night. Three stations, Tom’s equipment, SSB,CW,RTTY, 10/15/40/80 Kent’s equipment- needs earphone splitter. Hasn’t tested yet. Got amplifiers, will test. SSB and CW Alan-K3, KPA500, has every thing but hasn’t set voltage for 220 yet. SSB and CW Thursday before Field Day, get last update for N1MM+.. Proposal: 40M during the day. 4th radio, Tom’s IC7000 for 40M and 2M, for afternoon net, could potentially operate 4A or GOTA? Interaction with other Hawaii clubs to demonstrate emergency communications. Antennas: Tom 3 monoband Yagis 10,15,20. 40 M vertical. 20M tower, 30ft pole.for 10M antenna support. Lots of forming pins. 40/80 dipole.Lots of coax. Joe to bring Ethernet cable. Alan: 40M moxan, untested thus far. 2 element vertical dipole array 20M. 3 el vertical dipole array for 15 meters. Alan assumes he can transport it. 200’ RG8x, remote antenna switch, 2 pieces of 250’ LMR400 John: Bringing 3 section tower, that will be strapped to the pole. Tom: Need new ground rod and sledge hammer. Diane to bring 8’ step ladder. Bob M coming to FD. Has FD boxes and generator. When you sit down to operate: Control O to log in the person operating. Bring gloves, sunscreen, Diane bringing tables and folding chairs. Get lists to Diane as soon as possible. DVB-T: A Solution for ARES Television OperationsFeature this emergency communications digital TV capability at your Field Day event.
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De KH6RS BLoGAloha fellow hams! This blog is for you. Remember to stop by if you ever miss a meeting or would like to know what the club has been up to. Please feel free to make suggestions on anything you would like to see here. Categories
September 2023