Maui Amateur Radio Club – Jan 14, 2015 Minutes – Maui EOC Wailuku, HI
President Tom Worthington called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Meeting minutes and treasurer’s report were approved, and accepted by acclamation. 19 members and guests attended. New Business: New Officers were considered, however, all the old officers were reelected for the new year. Anita-AH6AH has offered to participate as an assistant to the treasurer. Talk Around: K6GSS-John: New TV. Fun operating W1AW portable. Skywarn checkin. Bigger FD score goal. NH6Y-Tom: W1AW portable activity. 2035Qs SSB/RTTY. Worked all states. Wants contesting & CW skills. N0DQD-Bob: Went to China. Lots of parts. Interested in getting parts for projects. KH6H-Mel: Skywarn active during wind storm.147.02-lots of kerchunking. 6M opening in QST KC7ASJ – Dave: Working helping with taxes. Repeater working in Lahaina. NH7U- Robin: Not a lot of radio. 10M contest for 6hr. 76 countries confirmed. JT65 favorite. More contesting. Need to update radio firmware. AH6AH- Joe: Listening for RACES activity during the storm. KH6RG-Jeanie: Interested in emergency communications. Trying to get HF antenna up. KH6PO-Diane: Had 70MPH wind, antennas ok. Worked W1AW portable. Wants HF power. Cuba, Reunion Island QSOs. Rotor problems KH6HTV – Jim: Back on island. Has Diamond mobile antenna equipment for sale. HDTV new mode.DVB-T. Experimenting with HDTV AD6E-(KH6TU-club call) -Alan: 10 Meter contest. SSB contest this weekend. W1AW portable.Future: 70’ crankup tower. Got Steppir antenna. W1TEC-Jack: Interested in TechSun HF radio. KH6CJJ-Kent-Interested in contesting for the year. Improving antenna system. NACQ contest. KH6HTV-Jim: Back from Colorado. Using PSK31. Wants to redesign TV repeater for HD. KH6AH-Ron: On HF in the afternoon. Using K3 remote system. KH6RSB-Shawn: Wants to upgrade to General class. Not on radio much. Website activity. KH6REO-Ed: Some activity, surprised at QRP WH6EAV-Marvin: Wants to be better prepared for emergencies. Pete Thompson- Has Icom 700TY HF antenna on sailboat with SSB capabilities. Wants to get radio working on boat. Asking for help. This month’s discussion: Detecting noise Tom built a magnetic loop antenna for sensing a noise source. Next month: Meeting adjourned 9:05 PM.
De KH6RS BLoGAloha fellow hams! This blog is for you. Remember to stop by if you ever miss a meeting or would like to know what the club has been up to. Please feel free to make suggestions on anything you would like to see here. Categories
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