What: Ham RADIO - statewide communication exercise. Voice communications as well as Winlink Radio email will be utilized to pass messages from the individuals to a hub who will pass it on to a county emergency operations center. Participant Exercise Plans will be emailed to registered participants.
When: Saturday, July 16, 2022 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon Who: All licensed amateur radio operators are invited - unaffiliated or with ARES, RACES, SKYWARN, CERT, HEALTHCOMM, or any club. We will encourage voice traffic as not all have Winlink capabilities. Where: State of Hawaii. Why: To prepare and practice using amateur radio to send messages during a catastrophic hurricane when normal communications have failed. How: Use of voice and/or digital mode, Winlink, to pass Winlink Hurricane Reports, Check Ins, Check Outs, Field Situation Report, Damage Reports, Request for Assistance, Shelter Reports
IN PERSON Maui Radio Club meeting SATURDAY (4/16) at 1PM and on Zoom after ARES Exercise! KH6RS4/12/2022 Please join the Maui Amateur Radio Club this Saturday, April 16th, either online via Zoom or IN PERSON. This will be our first opportunity for an IN PERSON meeting in the last 2 years! We gladly look forward to seeing everyone either in person or with all our radio friends on Zoom. Location and Zoom meeting details are given below. The meeting will be on Saturday, April 16th at 1PM (Hawaii time) just after the statewide Hawaii ARES amateur radio communication exercise event. We definitely encourage everyone to participate in the ARES exercise. Contact Bill at [email protected] or visit the ARES website hawaiiares.net to sign up TODAY! Participate in both and make your Saturday a truly radio filled day. MARC meeting Saturday, April 16th at 1PM (Hawaii time) ZOOM link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82284489510?pwd=bFhOb2FuN1hGSWZsUW5BWnVIaUNYUT09 Meeting ID: 822 8448 9510 Passcode: KH6RS IN PERSON meeting details: Location: 2800 Baldwin Ave, Makawao, HI Time: Sat. 4/16 Meeting starts at 1pm, welcome to bring your own food and enjoy lunch with others starting at noon. The radio club meeting will be at 2800 Baldwin Ave, Makawao, HI, the same site where we had the Winter Field Day station. It is a great indoor/outdoor location at Ron's farm, and we thank him for kindly hosting us. To help with finding the site, there is a chain link gate on the west side of Baldwin Ave about 150 yds up Baldwin (toward Makawao) from Kaluanui Rd. Past the chain link gate, there is a paved street heading west and the building/meeting location is about 250 yards west on this street. Here is a street view of the entrance (the red oil drum has been replaced by the chain link gate). Any questions: call Ron @ 707-502-2281 or call on 146.520 MHz.
Additional ZOOM meeting details: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82284489510?pwd=bFhOb2FuN1hGSWZsUW5BWnVIaUNYUT09 Meeting ID: 822 8448 9510 Passcode: KH6RS One tap mobile +12532158782,,82284489510#,,,,*132822# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,82284489510#,,,,*132822# US (Houston) Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 822 8448 9510 Passcode: 132822 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kLALYsSQk We hope you are able to join us, and we look forward to seeing you there. 73 -Riley, NH7O Field Day 2020
operators (10) and site visitors (11) Gerrard Cambra (1) NH6Y Tom NH7O Riley WH6FAM Trip AH6VR Bill Brie and Elena (2) WH6GJF Jonas KK6DWS Rob AH6SZ Thatcher Patty and Lisa and their little dogs (2) Alex his friend and a YL with a baby (4) fisherman with his YL and a fresh catch in a bucket (2) KH6PXM Rob KH6PO Diane KH6RSB Shawn THANKS TO ALL WHO PARTICIPATED!
The calendar of events for 2018 has been updated. Check it out for upcoming events in Maui, Hawaii, and across the nation. http://www.kh6rs.com/events.html
Reminder, our next club meeting is this Wednesday at the EOC. A huge mahalo to a fellow club member Brett VR2BG (pictured above operating from the MARC Field Day location at Ho'okipa Point) for compiling and researching this history of Field Day results for the Maui Amateur Radio Club. Our club was established in 1936 and records indicate participation in the event dates back to 1939. See the attached document below for the complete list of results.
Here is everything you need to know to get on the air and participate in Hawaii's QSO Party. Scroll through the presentation above and contact us if you have any questions.
The KH6RS beacon, part of the IARU Beacon network is finally on the air at Club President, Tom's QTH. You can find information about the network at: http://www.ncdxf.org/pages/beacons.html It will take a while for all the software and websites to get updated with our club call sign, but we are on the air every 3 minutes on 14.100, 18.110, 21.150, 24.930 and 28.200 Kevin, K6TD, came to the meeting to talk about the beacon program. He discusses the technical specifications, how the program is setup, and a rare look into the history of the beacons as well. Big mahalo to Kevin for taking the time to share his knowledge with us. Take a moment to view some clips from the discussion below. Kevin was first licensed in 1970. Work, kids and family life took Kevin away from radio, returning in 1988. After having worked as an EE for several Silicon Valley high tech companies, he now finds HF contesting and DXing a pleasant diversion. He has operated mostly in W6 land, but, has been heard from KH6 and BV1. DXpeditions include Midway and Mozambique. He helped with antennas for Wake.
Kevin has served as the chairman of the California QSO Party and as a director of the NCCC. He has co-chaired IDXC for 2011, 2013, and will for 2015.He's also a member of NCDXF, MLDXCC, and PAARA, and a life member of ARRL, charter member of CWOPS, and lastly SOC. |
De KH6RS BLoGAloha fellow hams! This blog is for you. Remember to stop by if you ever miss a meeting or would like to know what the club has been up to. Please feel free to make suggestions on anything you would like to see here. Categories
September 2023