The Maui Amateur Radio Club will meet both in-person at the MEMA EOC and via Zoom. 7pm May 8th. This is the first in person meeting since the August fires. The entrance to the EOC is via the door on the extreme left of the loading dock of the county building, 200 South High Street, Wailuku. The link for the Zoom meeting is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84028901194... Meeting ID: 840 2890 1194 Passcode: kh6rs Field Day, June 21-23 rapidly approaching. This June is expected to be near the peak of sunspot cycle #25 and I hope we can have a FD big enough to take advantage of the great HF propagation we have been having this year. For those new to the hobby, Field Day is the largest emergency communications exercise in the world. Clubs and individual hams set up portable stations and then test the effectiveness of their stations by trying to make as many contacts as possible in a 24-hour period. For us, the operating event starts at 8 am Saturday June 22. The club has an agreement with A&B Properties to use the Block House Field, just east of Hookipa Beach Park for the weekend. We have used this site since the early 1950’s. We setup antennas and stations starting at 6 am on Friday June 21, there will be time on Saturday afternoon and evening to operate informally. The official event starts Saturday morning and runs for 24 hours. Then take if all down on Sunday. For those new to the hobby or just interested in learning more about it, it is a chance to learn about antennas, radios and how to operate. You do not need a license to participate. There will always be a control operator to help introduce you to how it all works. At a minimum we will have 2 HF stations and a VHF/UHF station. We certainly have to ability and equipment to set up more stations if we can find enough volunteers to set up antennas and stations. We especially need experienced hams to act as mentors during the day. If you are interested in participating in FD but can’t make this meeting, please send me an email and I’ll put you on the FD list. I expect we will have several weekend preparatory sessions to test antennas, configure radios and test configurations before the event. 73 es Aloha, Tom, NH6Y Field Day Coordinator Club meetings are held every second Wednesday at the Maui County Civil Defense Emergency Operating Center (EOC) Conference Room. The EOC is in the basement of the County Building. The County building is located on High Street in Wailuku. Just come around the back of the building from Kaohu Street. Directions can usually be received on 147.020 (+600-no tone). Meetings start at 7:00 P.M. and usually last about 2 hours. For directions go to http://www.kh6rs.com/events.html
Field Day 2020
operators (10) and site visitors (11) Gerrard Cambra (1) NH6Y Tom NH7O Riley WH6FAM Trip AH6VR Bill Brie and Elena (2) WH6GJF Jonas KK6DWS Rob AH6SZ Thatcher Patty and Lisa and their little dogs (2) Alex his friend and a YL with a baby (4) fisherman with his YL and a fresh catch in a bucket (2) KH6PXM Rob KH6PO Diane KH6RSB Shawn THANKS TO ALL WHO PARTICIPATED! QST QST QST
Calling all Maui Radio Amateurs The next meeting of The Maui Amateur Radio Club will be held virtually via ZOOM video conference on 8 July at 7:00p. Please join us to discuss our recent KH6RS Club Field Day operation AND also to discuss your recent activities and experiments in wireless communication. 73 -Trip WH6FAM Join Zoom Meeting 8July2020 7:00p https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4408713299?pwd=UHBjOXdUWFJjRFVIcnpqRDIxOVNudz09 Meeting ID: 440 871 3299 Password: KH6RS Congratulations! You've successfully submitted your Field Day entry, as well as uploaded all required documentation. A summary of your submission is provided below for your review. Summary: Entry received at: 2020-07-02 22:36:11 Call Used: KH6RS GOTA Station Call: (NONE) ARRL/RAC Section: PAC Class: 1A Participants: 12 Club/Group Name: Maui Amateur Radio Club Power Source(s): Generator Power Multiplier: 1X Preliminary Total Score: 1,141 Bonus Points: 100% emergency power 100 Public location 100 W1AW Field Day message 100 - Documented by bulletin2020.txt Entry submitted via web 50 Total bonus points 350 Score Summary: (Cabrillo log/dupe sheet file: KH6RS2020FD.log) CW Digital Phone Total Total QSOs 0 241 309 Total Points 0 482 309 791 Claimed Score = (QSO points x power mult) = 791 Submitted by: frederick hill III, WH6FAM [email protected] Band/Mode QSO Breakdown: CW Digital Phone 160m 80m 27 KW 40m 98 KW 178 KW 20m 116 KW 131 KW 15m 10m 6m 2m 222 432 Other Satellite GOTA TOTAL 0 241 309 ![]()
A huge mahalo to a fellow club member Brett VR2BG (pictured above operating from the MARC Field Day location at Ho'okipa Point) for compiling and researching this history of Field Day results for the Maui Amateur Radio Club. Our club was established in 1936 and records indicate participation in the event dates back to 1939. See the attached document below for the complete list of results. ![]()
Field day was a great success. Mayor Alan Arakawa visited on Saturday morning; about 40 members and guests signed in. We had some rain Friday morning but the rest of the time we had great trade wind weather. We haven’t gone thru the logs but we had more than 3300 QSO’s, despite the fact that 10m was only open very briefly. With the new antennas we were able to run both CW and SSB on 20m and 40m simultaneously with only a little interference. 15m was our best band during the day, we had about 1000 SSB QSO’s before the band closed about 9 pm or so on Saturday night but 20 remained open all night. More later after we go thru the logs. Mahalo to all who helped organize, setup, operate and clean up. 73 and Aloha, Tom Maui Amatuer Radio Club President
![]() We operated three stations on 10, 15, 20 and 40 meters as well as one GOTA (Get on the Air) station on 2 meters. We ran several modes including phone, CW, RTTY, as well as digital modes like PSK. To the knowledge of the club this is the first time we have run 3 stations. Propagation was fair thanks to a wonderful hula performance to kickoff the event by Club President Tom Worthington's wife Leslie. The hula was story of Maui coaxing the the sun to produce sun spots that promote radio propagation. We had about 25 operators and visitors throughout the 24 hour event. A highlight of the event was when a club member was able to make contact with NASA astronaut, Reid Wiseman KF5LKT, operating as NA1SS from the International Space Station. Although it was a short pass over Hawaii, she reported clear communication with the space station. By the end of the exercise Sunday morning we made a total 2391 QSOs and 3462 points.Both are higher than last year despite experiencing poorer solar conditions. ![]()
De KH6RS BLoGAloha fellow hams! This blog is for you. Remember to stop by if you ever miss a meeting or would like to know what the club has been up to. Please feel free to make suggestions on anything you would like to see here. Categories
September 2023