Maui Amateur Radio Club – Mar 11, 2015 Minutes – Maui EOC Wailuku, HI
President Tom Worthington called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Meeting minutes and treasurer’s report were approved, and accepted by acclamation. 7 members and guests attended. New Business: Discussion about the upcoming Field Day event. Discussions about how many transmitters to operate and potentially getting donations of a PODS enclosure, or other available vans. Talk Around: K6GSS-John: NH6Y-Tom: W5JR used Tom’s station for ARRL CW contest. Made 1300 contacts SSB. Band conditions have been great. 220 contacts per hour. Fun! CQWW WPX anyone anywhere contest, coming up. HR1301 bill for CC&R. Tulsi Gabbard needs to be a co-sponsor. Write her. N0DQD-Bob: Went to Japan, electronics shopping. Bought Baofeng BF888S for $15. KH6H-Mel: Upgrade exams on 4/4/s15. Contact Mel. 147.02 repeater off the air. Hope to get it back before the end of May. Many other repeaters in the state are having problems. KC7ASJ – Dave: NH7U- Robin: AH6AH- Joe: KH6RG-Jeanie: KH6PO-Diane: Not on air much, Heard pileups, contacted Chile, KH6HTV – Jim: Not interested in contests, more of how long contacts! Added Africa to his country list. 15M RTTY. Try to do a contact a day. AD6E-(KH6TU-club call) –Alan:CW ARRL DQ CW for 12 hrs. SSB a little. Tower base in a few weeks. W1TEC-Jack: KH6CJJ-Kent-40 meter net, ARRL DX and SSB contests. Good conditions, Great results. 1800 Qs. KH6HTV-Jim: KH6AH-Ron: Not much on radio, helping some ops to use remote rig. KH6RSB-Shawn: KH6REO-Ed: WH6EAV-Marvin: . KH6JAY- Jay: Wanted to work CQ WW RTTY, but the windstorm damaged his vertical. Participated in national contest. Lots of fun. This month’s discussion: Logbook of the World- ARRL sponsored. You upload your contacts, others do the same. ARRL matches the two together. Significantly reduces the number of QSL cards you have to send out. Operates numerous modes, It’s a standardized way to capture information for other programs. Has features for security. No cost, not required to be an ARRL member. LoTW has historical contact information. Tom estimates 30-50% of active hams in contests are using it. Go to to get started. Download the software and request a certificate. ARRL mails you a certificate. Sign and upload your log. Can take an exported N1MM or Ham Radio Deluxe log files. Will take Cabrillo formatted files from Writelog. Next month: Meeting adjourned 9:05 PM.
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