Feb 14, 2018 Maui Amateur Radio Club Meeting Minutes
Opened meeting at 7:05pm in the Maui County EOC KH6HTV provided some desert. Minutes of the January, 2018 meeting were distributed and formally approved. The Treasurer's report was distributed and formally approved. Discussion about how much club money will be needed for File Day activities. Talk-about: Visitors Charlie and Barbara Smith, KX4IJ, are staying on Maui for two months every year. Charlie is a new licensee after many years QRT. Ron, KH6AH is QRT due to “grow lights”. Cuba visit. Dave, AH6EE is building a magnetic loop antenna due to antenna restrictions. Joe, AH6CU will go th a state wide meeting concerning Emmcon that is outside of ARES and Races. Will report back next month. Tom, G4BKF is visiting his son here for three weeks. This is his 5th visit to Maui. Anita, AH6AH needs ham help for VOAD John and Marry, K6GSS showed off a fancy socket. Mary noted she is a 39 year ham veteran. Jim, KH6HTV brought desert and has been doing some FT8 operating. He notes a resurgence of PSK activity. Trip, Elina, Brea, WH6FAM: Trip showed off his LoTW summary of the last six months of activity. Elena made one or two QSOs on kids day. Brea made no QSOs. Tom, Lesli, NH6Y: Tom gave a ham radio demo for the Boys & Girls club and also the Paia CERT group. There is a rather old and HEAVY FT-1000 for sale. Showed off a single band $50 transceiver kit. Also, W5JR will operate ARRL DX contest from NH6Y. Alan AD6E is completing another CW Academy class and will start another one in April. Leslie, xyl of NH6Y gave a talk about what it's like to be married to a ham. Specifically an EME addict. Discussion of doing a membership drive. Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm
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De KH6RS BLoGAloha fellow hams! This blog is for you. Remember to stop by if you ever miss a meeting or would like to know what the club has been up to. Please feel free to make suggestions on anything you would like to see here. Categories
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