This last Saturday, club members were invited up to the club president's, Tom NH6Y, shop to help build the 15 meter beam antenna we are going to use for field day. In the images below you can see Tom uses the most intricate of tools for such a sensitive piece of equipment. What was that saying? "Work softly but carry a big mallet?" Anyway, we almost finished the whole project until we realized we were missing an important part and decided to stop there for the day. Tom provided a nice home cooked lunch of split pea soup and his very own recipe, chard and rhubarb savory pie. Despite what you may be thinking, it was a delicious meal. After lunch we took down the 10 meter beam put together the previous week. Tom reports that the 10 meter beam performed flawlessly and required no further adjustment. A testament to the new ARRL Antenna Book and the updated specifications for these builds. As a new ham it was a perfect day for learning the ins and outs of antennas and really get some hands on experience. I am looking forward to heading back up to finish the job.
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September 2023